1989 MCI Party Limo Bus For Sale in Chinook Montana 59523

1989 MCI Party Limo Bus For Sale in Chinook Montana 59523 Get ready to ride in style with this 1989 MCI Party Limo Bus This luxury bus features a sleek elongated styling that commands attention wherever it goes. It is dressed in beautiful black paint and complemented by an exceptionally clean tan interior. Powered by a Detroit 8V92 8-cylinder diesel engine that is mated with automatic transmission this lovely party bus is eager to take you anywhere you heart desires while providing the epitome of comfort and convenience. This 1989 MCI Party Limo Bus comes fully equipped with options and features that are perfect for any true party animal. Highlights of its advantages include standing bar mirrored roof two A C units Chrome Wheels with eighty percent tread Four Flat Screen Televisions Large Restroom with sink that has been regularly maintenanced LED party lights Touch Screen with DVD and USB capabilities Two professional Stereo Systems . This sophisticated Limo bus is still in service which lends credibility to its combination of prestige and performance. This 1989 MCI Party Limo Bus has been very well maintained which has enabled its excellent condition. Perfect for any entrepreneur who is looking to start or expand their empire. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to own the luxury limousine you ve been searching for at a very handsome price. Call today for more information on how the ultimate experience in comfort and luxury can be yours More Photos Available Upon Request www.QuickBye.com (308) 229-4266



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