come see this 2 story townhome in the popular golf of southern d

PLEASE WHEN CALLING ABOUT THIS PROPERTY PLEASE PROVIDE REFERENCE NUMBER P4715948 THIS HOME IS FOR SALE ONLY. THIS IS NOT A RENTAL RENT TO OWN SELLER FINANCING HOME.PROPERTY DETAILS Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 1 Sq. Ft. 1 100 Year Built 1996 REDUCED Come and see this beautiful 2 story townhome in the popular golf community of Southern Dunes. This 2 bedroom 2.5 bath furnished townhome is overlooking the 5th fairway with a newer deck off the Master bedroom new tiled flooring in the living dining area newer French doors and remodeled half bath that add to the beauty of this home. This is a great year round residence winter retreat or rental investment property. This property is located near the Clubhouse and community pool. Description AMENITIES Interior 1. A C- Central 2 .HEAT FUEL-Central 3. FLOOR COVERING- Carpet Ceramic Tile Laminate Exterior 1. CONSTRUCTION-Stucco 2. Townhouse 2-3 Floors 3. Balcony Sun Deck Patio Porch Deck Open Community 1. HOA -Required 658.00 (Quarterly) KELER WILLIAMS REALTY OF WINTER HAVEN POSTS PROPERTIES FOR A 30 DAY PERIOD OF TIME. DUE TO CURRENT HIGH DEMAND OF PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOME PROPERTIES ADVERTISED MAY BE WITHDRAWN CANCELLED RENTED PENDING OR SOLD WITHIN THE PAST 30 DAYS. ALL INFORMATION IS DEEMED TO BE CORRECT BUT NOT GUARANTEED.Contact Information Stephanie Meyer Phone 863-332-2638Listing Provided By Keller Williams Realty of WH Listing Agent Linda Dufresne



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