Huge public auction Saturday October 21st at Magnolia Gardens Au

We are gearing up for another fabulous week at Magnolia Gardens Auction House So go ahead and mark your calendar to join us Saturday October 21st October has been such an exciting month...Astros in the playoffs and Auctions at Magnolia Gardens Auction House Who said you don t get a second chance you can this week so If you missed out on a favorite treasure last week no worries we have a few duplicates you will not want to miss out on these. A terrific floor set....let s start with this really nice clean Mid Century Dining Suit a beautiful heavily carved Ladies vanity tuft chairs a couple of great Reclaimed Wood Book Cases Reclaimed Side Boards how about The Cowgirl letters(or make up your own words) milk cans a really neat antique Burroughs Adding Machine need a new bed King Size Canopy bed the cutest Bird Cage Chandelier iron plant stands a horse saddle Industrial Carts and this is just Monday Groovy Tuesday and boy is it we have added some more WOW to the floor Great Industrial Lights a pair of A& M boots the perfect size corner cabinets road signs(great for a man cave or game room) need extra seating for the holidays we have chairs and stools Spode china set and tons more treasures you will fall in love with This week one of our favorite people and food vendor Mama s Sweet Tea will be there So come hungry you will love it (cash and card accepted)Our doors open at 5pm and sale starts at 7pm. It is never too early to reserve some seats and you can do so by calling 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or better yet you can like and follow us on Facebook and use the easy reserve link button. Visit us at Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is14% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Charge AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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