Gorgeous Angier Home &ndash 3 BD 2.5 BA &ndash Available Today

Terrific 2 story 3 BD 2.5 BA home with 1 700 sq. ft. of living space lovely eat-in kitchen with stainless steel appliances formal dining room with trey ceiling family room with wood burning fireplace master bedroom with walk-in closet and trey ceiling and stacked washer and dryer unit off of kitchen. Beautiful wrap around porch privacy fenced-in large backyard with a 2 car attached garage and additional parking for 5 more cars on the concrete driveway. This home is MOVE-IN READY just needs some TLC and a little updating however the roof is about 4 years old kitchen appliances and the HVAC units have been complete cleaned both 3.5 years old. The location is perfect being located in the kid-friend family-oriented Windsor subdivision on a corner lot with both roads ending on cul - de - sacs. It is approximately 1 mile from downtown Angier a 15 minute drive to I-40 20 minute drive to I-95 and a 40 minute drive to downtown Raleigh. Priced to sell AS-IS at 169 900 Lease-Purchase options are available with great terms. With area comps at 183K - 188K this is an awesome deal. Give us a call now at 919-561- 5572.



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