Speed Queen Front Load Washer 80LB 13 PH 220V SCN080JCFX11001 AS

Item Location La Habra California 90631 United States Contact Number 562-383-0346Condition Used An item that has been used previously. Brand Speed Queen Model SCN080JCFX11001 1 3 phase Machine Washer will be tested prior to pick up or delivery. Washer was originally line in a laundromat and being used for customers.Price is US 4 000.00. Give us a call we can work out a deal. We can help you to arrange delivery if you need it or you can pick up at our location in La Habra 90631We also have other alternatives.Please call me or leave a message if no answer. I will call you back ASAP. HABLO ESPANOL Equipment was extracted from an operating laundromat but condition is unknown. Machines will be complete but functionality is not guaranteed therefore units are sold in AS-IS condition. Machine MAY come with coin box but key is NOT available. We will NOT remove the coin box prior shipping pickup.



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