Ricoh MPC 3002 Copier Printer Scanner

GENERAL SPECIFICATION CopierCopy speed B& W 30 copies per minuteColour 30 copies per minuteResolution 600 x 600 dpi (4 bit) 1 200 x 1 200 dpi (1 bit)First output speed B& W Less than 4.9 secondsColour Less than 7.4 secondsPaper input capacity Standard 550 sheets x 2 traysStandard 100 sheet bypass trayMaximum 4 400 sheetsPaper size A6 - A3Paper weight Paper trays 52 256 gsmBypass tray 52 300 gsmDuplex tray 52 169 gsmSide LCIT 52 216 gsmDimensions 670 x 766 x 1020 (with 2 tray paper bank)Weight Less than 120 kg (main frame with ARDF)Power consumption Maximum 1.7 kWOperating power 568 WReady mode 90 WSleep mode 1.4 WEnergy Star (TEC level) 1364 W PrinterPrinter Language Standard PCL5c PCL6Optional Postscript 3 IPDSResolution 1 200 x 1 200 dpi (1bit)ScannerScan speed B& W and colour Maximum 51 originals per minute (LEF A4 200 dpi)Output formats TIFF PDF JPEG High compression PDFMethods Email network folder webmail TWAINFax (optional)Scanning speed 42 scans per minute (A4 LEF standard detail mode)Modem speed Maximum 33.6 kbpsResolution 200 x 100 200 dpiInbound To paper IP emailSecurityNetwork user authentication StandardIP Address Filtering StandardMAC Address Filtering StandardHDD Overwrite StandardHDD Encryption StandardSecure Print StandardEncrypted Secure Print StandardEncrypted PDF Mode StandardIP security StandardSecure Sockets Layer (SSL) StandardSNMP v3 YesIpv6 Yes FOR MORE INFORMATION YOU CAN CALL 6514179126



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