1997 Chevy CK2500

1997 Chevrolet C K2500 has 4 wheel drive has a 5.7l V8 engine with an extended cab. . For a limited time only we are offering 2.9% financing with credit approval. Offer ends January 31 2018 If you have bad credit and looking for a vehicle come in and let s get you a vehicle with 9.9% financing. Offer ends January 31 2018. We are Emporium Motors located at 1403 N. Bloomington St. Streator IL 61364. Mention this ad and receive a 10 credit on your account when your purchase a vehicle. THIS OFFER IS ONLY GOOD UNTIL JANUARY 31 2018. HURRY IN To see more cars in stock go to www.emporiummotors.com. Prices do not include title fee(s) tag fee(s) or taxes.



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