Gorgeous 5 bed 3 12 bath semi custom basement home

OPEN HOUSE 10 21 & 10 22 FROM 10-3. This house is a MUST SEE Gorgeous 5 bedroom 3.5 bath 3614 sq ft semi custom basement home located in Alta Mira Estates. This home is an entertainers paradise Complete with a built-in movie theater w a 120 screen built in Yamaha sound system and recliner seating for 6. Outback an outdoor oasis awaits you with a large gated heated diving pool complete outdoor kitchen w covered pergola a Jacuzzi and a separate grass area. North South exposure. Has an over-sized 3 car garage w epoxy flooring built in cabinets workbenches and shop sink. This home also has a den. Large kitchen w island granite counter tops walk in pantry and brand new black stainless steel appliances with a gas range. Large laundry room w lots of storage. New carpet and paint. Association allowed RV parking w RV gate accommodating up to a 40 RV. Water softener. R.O system. Central Vac. Security System. Hard wired ether net. Hunter Douglas ceiling fans throughout. So much to list



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