Your New Office is Ready and Waiting for You Furnished w Ameniti

Have you been searching for a new office space Come see what we can do for you at Regus at Hayden Ferry Lakeside Includes professional business and mailing address in Tempe Plenty of FULLY furnished office options Steps away from Tempe Town Lake Mill Avenue and ASU Onsite gym available for a discounted fee Receptionists provided for accommodating and announcing your guests Professional call answering and forwarding Unlimited access to printer scanner copier and fax Stylish and modern business lounge area Business cafe stocked with coffee and tea Flexible terms offices available as and when YOU need them All Utilities Cleaning Maintenance & RE Taxes Included absolutely NO hidden fees Business lounge for informal meetings & touchdown between appointments Fully furnished state-of-the-art meeting rooms ready and available to fit up to 12 people videoconferencing also available Access to Free community meeting room space 7 day money back guaranteeCall or text Greg Waddington at (602) 384-0423 for more information and to schedule a tour Include keyword CLASSIFIED AD in your inquiry to receive 10% off of any 12-month agreement



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