3830-10th AVE SE SALMON ARM BCGreat opportunity for 10 acres in town with 2400 square foot home spacious shops and a very private setting. Clean and well maintained home with 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and a fully self contained 1 bedroom in-law suite. With two wood fireplaces big covered deck and very private location. Home has a fully finished basement with rec room central gas furnace central AC and a Heat exchange. Private 10 acres with two large shops Shop 1 1 800 sq ft insulated power 2 OH doors work shop shelving. Shop 2 1 000 sq ft insulated w 12 ceilings. Great location close to schools easy access to town and the highway and across from Little Mountain Park. NO ACCESS TO SUITE UNTIL 2ND SHOWING. DO NOT ENTER SUITE WITHOUT PERMISSION AS PIT BULL DOG IS IN THE SUITE. NOTE This property has been approved by the ALC to be excluded from the ALR when it is rezoned to industrial (M1)For more information Jim Grieve PREC 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at) or Jordan GrievePREC 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at) or visit www.jimgrievesalesteam.comHOMELIFE SALMON ARM REALTY1-800-890-9166



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