jogging English bulldog puppies left

We have 2 amazing English bulldog puppies left from a litter litter of 10. 1 chocolate tri boy and 1 lilac tri boy. Mum and dad are both family pets and can be viewed along with pups. The sire is Bullforce Rambo our lilac tri boy imported from Bullforce kennels in Holland with lots of great dogs behind him as you would expect from bullforce. The dam is Stingaz Thumbalina our choc tri girl and she also has many great dogs behind her. Both dogs are in great health and are extremely fit regularly jogging 3 miles a night with myself along with plenty of free running in the field. Pups have been brought up in our family home around our kids and cats. Our babies will get the best possible start to life from the best of nutrition to personal care and will each receive one on one time with our family away from its litter mates on a daily basis. Dont forget to contact with the name of the breed of puppy you want Contact me using only my contact number via texting as (470) 344-9367



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