Buried in Treasures - Self Help for FindersKeepers - Hoarding

BURIED IN TREASURES WORKSHOPThe Buried in Treasures Workshop is about more than clutter... Overcoming challenges Increasing motivation Reducing acquiring Prioritizing and celebrating choicesSelf-Help & Empowerment For Finders and KeepersIs clutter getting in the way of how you want to live your life Are you feeling overwhelmed with too many possessions Are you embarrassed to have people over This program offers a 16-week course that is based on the book Buried In Treasures . Join us for this group created by and for people who are ready to live a less - cluttered life The Buried in Treasures group is for people who would like to learn tips on how to de-clutter and stop over-acquiring with people who know what it s like. Each week we will have a discussion around a specific skill followed by the completion of challenging and rewarding exercises. Individual progress challenges successes and goals are also monitored throughout the sixteen weeks.Participants are expected to commit to attending all the sessions as well as to participate actively.A Buried in Treasures Group is forming atSt. Paul Lutheran Church202 Brooks St.Missoula MT 59801Sessions start Monday January 15th 2018 - from 1 00 pm 3 00 pmThis group offers a judgment-free environment for people ready to make a change in their life.Registration required. Call or email for more information.(440) 666 9326 or kefconsulting(at)gmail.com a Virtual class is also available - for people that live outside of Missoula or can t make the in person class. Email for details...



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