2017 Jayco Eagle 355MBHQ Fifthwheel For Sale

2017 Jayco Eagle 355MBHQ Fifthwheel. This RV has an awesome mid bunk floor plan that makes it possible to maintain a nice family friendly living area at the rear of the trailer. The kitchen is fitted with a island that provides lots of counter space along with a double wide fridge pantry propane stove and microwave. There is a bench with storage and coat hangers situated at the door providing a place for your shoes and jackets. In the mid bunk room you ll find a upper bunk situated over two game chairs that fold out into beds. A 32 tv in the bunk room and master bedroom allows you to do your own thing when you like the bathroom has a large shower porcelain toilet linen closet vanity with lots of space and cabinet behind the mirror. The master bedroom has a queen bed and large closet with washer and dryer prep along with a dresser that provides more then enough space to keep your clothing and belongings. The outdoor kitchen is fitted with a mini fridge and camp stove and at the rear of the trailer there is a BBQ with propane plumbing Electric jacks and stabilizers make set up simple this unit has lots of outdoor storage space. The trailer comes with a two year warranty. If interested please call William at 306-469-7101 to view.



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