Modern Immaculate Private Room in High End Lg Townhouse with Poo

Modern and Immaculate Room for Rent in aHigh End Townhouse Modern Open Floorplan High ceilings light hardwood flooring throughout. Stainless steel appliances granite counter tops.Electronic key-less entry.Gated community pool and jacuzzi. Keyed access only.Beautiful and quiet neghborhood. Your clean newly updated private room has a slanted high ceiling hardwood floors full sized closet custom built white window shutters.Utilities and full speed wifi included. (Prefer asian female college student professional traveling nurse MD military)Seeking someone green and conservative with all utilities. Or an additional 100.00 will be charged.You MUST be neat and clean. Clean up after each use of any room.Must vacuum and mop your own room weekly and clean the bathroom you use.Lite cooking.Laundry use 1x per week. Street parking available.Garage option for 100 per month.Family setting We are a cool and responsible family. Conveniently close to markets parks restaurants shopping malls.Central to all locations and colleges.Bus transit around the corner.60 FWY is 1 mile away Amtrak Metro is 4 miles away Park and ride 30 min to Downtown LA30 min to Pasadena24 min to Buena Park22 min to Anaheim17 min to Fullerton15 min to Brea Must provide 2 legal IDs to book a site visit. To validate who you are.Print your full 3 bureau credit report1st month and full months security deposit.150.00 cleaning fee.6 to 9 months. Month to month is available. Additional rate applies. Call me today.626 327-2900 I will send you images I only have the image on my phone.



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