Head Start Teacher

Closes Open Until FilledFull-time position available with our Children s Services Program in Metcalfe County. Duties will include planning and carrying out the daily activities of the classroom and providing educational instruction to three and four year old children. Qualifications Minimum requirement an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field. A Bachelor s Degree in Early Childhood or coursework equivalent to a degree in early childhood highly preferred. Must have good organizational skills and experience working with children. Salary Salary for this position will be based on education and experience with an excellent benefit package. Application Process For immediate consideration you will need to submit a resume with a cover letter indicating salary history to the address and or e-mail below or you may apply in person at the following Community Action locations 921 Beauty Avenue Bowling Green KY 42101 770 Industrial Dr. Suite 2 Edmonton KY 42129 E-mail resume(at)casoky.orgwww.casoky.org Funding Source Head Start is a federally funded program through an annual grant from the Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families.



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