Attentive House Cleaner Needed.

Do you have an eye for detail and take pride in your work We re looking for a hardworking and reliable house cleaner. You will be responsible for cleaning homes on the North Shore. We provide Weekly Pay No evening or weekend shifts. Monday to Friday days only. All natural products are supplied. Work is on the North Shore. Pleasant work environment. Amiable and hard-working team mates. Gas allowance paid. Who we need Housekeeping experience is a definite asset but not necessary. You must be reliable & pleasant. You must have a working cell phone. Car is a definite asset. Local to the North Shore. Excellent communication skills. Work is part-time. Wage is 15.00 per hour with a raise after a 3 month probationary period. Please respond with your contact info only if you re serious about working. Tell us a little about yourself and why you d be a valuable asset to our company.



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