MGR Apts. Rollingwood

Sharing apt utilities. one bedroom apt in a condo unit. all u need is your clothes we provide you with a good condition bed. Internet and Lan line Phone conection if needed.Kitchen available for own meals. TV air conditioning. Location close to Mount SAC Antonio College and Cal Poli University. Freeways 10 and 60 very close by. 1901 E Amar RDWest Covina CA. 91792ask for Luis ( Speaks English and Spanish Language)626 290-7645 celmaquilonluis(at) Personal e-mailPS male or female no preferences. and no smoking please.Hours of visit to show room and complete Condominium Monday - Fri except Tuesdays 8 30am-12pm Saturdays from 10am-4pm Sundays only on calls



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