Beautiful F1b Golden Doodle Puppies

Beautiful F1b Golden doodle puppies There is 1 female (purple collar) and 1 male (blue and black collars) available Mom is a gorgeous First generation Golden doodle (40lbs) and Dad is a handsome purebred Standard Poodle (50lbs).Both are here for you to meet They are both amazing dogs with excellent dispositions and personalities.F1b Golden doodles are more ideal for allergy sufferers then f1 doodles as they are alot more likely not to shed and be hypoallergenic.They are kind and loyal and a super intelligent breed who is eager to please.Excellent with children of all ages and easy to train and love.Our puppies will come with First shotsDewormingHealth recordPuppy care package (which includes a blanket that smells like mom and siblings to help with separation for the first few nights away a few toys they are used to playing with and some of the food they are eating.)Our puppies will be well loved and socialized with kids and other pets in our family home.A lot of care and love goes into our puppies so in return we ask the same of you when adopting one of our babies.Puppies are 450 each We will also send a weekly picture of your puppy to your email so you can watch him or her grow until it s time to go home with you Delivery is possible.



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