Come and enjoy the CDMX Suites per night at crazy prices

Excellent loft for one or two people with beautiful decor and contemporary design. It has all the necessary services so you can feel with all the desired comfort is furnished with Double bed sofa dinning room a kitchenette equipped with frigobar microwave stove crockery everything you need to prepare something. It has a bathroom inside the suite. Includes the main services of water electricity gas open T.V. telephone and wireless internet. Close to the main roads and means of transport UNAM ITAM COYOAC N INSURGENTES SUR. In Mexico for Rent you will feel like at home because it has everything included so you do not worry about anything. It is located in a very safe residential area We do not require endorsement Quotes by night week month and year.PRICES FOR NIGHT 53 USD WEEK 265 USD MONTH 850 USD CONTACT US We re here to serve you Contact Diana Mariscal Mobile (whatsapp) 55-61-71-05-01 schedule 2 pm - 10 pm Office 62-79-93-96 59-16-12-93 56-62-76-26 84-36-41-26 84-36-41-71 Email suistes.mexico(at) Facebook M xico en Renta Website



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