Tree ServiceLicensed Bonded Insured

GREENS TREE SERVICE 1. We are a quality professional tree service at a price you can afford 10 plus years experience in all aspects of tree care. Tree trimming & pruning tree removal hedge & shrub trimming lot clearing storm clean-up and wood salvage. We are a small family-owned company and will treat you right Licensed bonded & insured LIC GREENTS830JM 2. GREENS TREE SERVICE Our services include Hazard Tree Removal Crown Reduction Thinning Wind sail reduction View Enhancement Tree Trimming Site Clearing Storm Debris Clean-up Please call for free estimates Located in Vancouver WA Licensed Bonded and Insured LIC GREENTS830JM Tree falling tree cutting tree trimming chain saw windsailing wood hazard hazardous tree removal dead tree broken branches tree climbing rope brush chipping firewood trimming pruning thinning storm damage cleanup fallen tree tree down uprooted emergency tree service stand by wind storm damage storm clean up quality affordable.



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