Ideal location for garageservice stationconvenience store

Commercial building Saint-Sulpice Lanaudiere for sale - 715-715A Notre-Dame. Ideal location for investment. Possibility of garage and or convenience store with service station. Possibility to purchase the property at the back for a total of 33 594 sqft. Located on a street corner with a traffic light along the highway. Guaranteed visibility. 699 000 tx. Isabelle Pelletier Real Estate Broker Inc. Vendomax 450-602-6570 B tisse commerciale Saint-Sulpice Lanaudi re vendre - 715-715A Rue Notre-Dame. Emplacement id al pour investissement. Possibilit d exploiter un garage et ou un d panneur avec station service. Possibilit d acheter la propri t l arri re pour avoir un total de 33 594 P.C. Le site est situ sur un coin de rue avec feu de signalisation en bordure d autoroute. Visibilit garantie. 699 000 tx.



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