Big Sale Brand New Barstool 69.99

High quality bar stool set which comes with 2 stools. It is perfect for home use pubs banks or other public places. Height adjustable. 360 degree swivel to move quickly to your destination. Durable steel base for long lasting. Price UCBA 5 69.99 per bar stool - It comes in packaging of set of 2 for 140 Features - 360 degree swivel - Delicate armrest and backrest - High quality foam provides more comfort - A bar-style foot rest highlights your elegance - Rubber bottom ring prevents floor scratching - Easy to assemble and clean Specification Seating material PU Leather Frame material Chromed steel Colour 2 colors (Black Brown) All our products are SGS certified that demonstrates that our products processes systems or services are compliant with national and international regulations and standards. Delivery anywhere in Canada is available at an extra charge. Address 140 Finchdene Square Unit 14 Toronto Ontario M1X1B1 Phone 1 888-751-5999



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