100 % loan dtcp plots sundrara anjaneyar

sundara Anjaneyar Nagar a friendly Modern Compounded Community at Kattrambakkam which is located off the busy sundara Anjaneyar Nagar a friendly Modern Chennai Bangalore National Highway Road. Just Behind Hyundai Motors India Limited. It is surrounded by many completed projects of its own class and thoughtfully designed residence. It s one of the TOP rated ongoing projects of its class. It s landscape is beautiful and introduce you sri anjaneyar nagar to you It is situated in between kundrathur bus depot to bangalore nh4 and minimum plot estimatipleasant for settlement.land mark hyundai motor india limited. Hello sir madam warm greetings to all We on area is 600sqft and cost wise starting rate is 6 30 000 If you choose t buy this near by many colleges and famous mangadu temple is situated.From that kundrathur bus depot our site nearly 500 mtrs and from banglore high way it is exactly 3-3.5kms and queens land theme is near by Thank you sir madam Sundera Anjaneya Nagar is a residential layout by yukta properties.layout greetings you with extensive roads with landscaped gardens.arer to all the basic services and conveniences such as Educational Institutions Hospitals Market Banks ATM s and surrounded by well-developed residential area. It is a promise of delights unlimited with flora flowing plentifully into the landscape design. Salient Features Clear Title. DTCP Approved Plots



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