Moving To Chicago-Everything is Free-Saturday November 18th

I m moving to Chicago at the end of the month and I have decided the easiest way to do this is to give away my stuff and start over. I am having a giveaway. There is some furniture available a computer desk entertainment stand bedroom dresser (good condition) sofa and chair (questionable condition). Other items include but not limited to women s clothing (small and medium) books camping chairs other miscellaneous items. 1421 D St. Anyone interested in the furniture will have to move and transport it themselves. I live in an apartment so this giveaway is in the apartment. Unfortunately the door has a security code so you will have to call me for entry. (402) 730 2988. Again...EVERYTHING IS FREE. 1421 D St Lincoln NE 58502 Event starts at 11 00 AM and ends at 4 00 PM.



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