Customer Service Advisor - Req 854859BR

Seeking a challenging and fast-paced work environment Our Customer Service Advisers participate in a highly rewarding program that recognizes outstanding performance. With industry-leading training and strong people-focused leaders we are committed to advancing your skills and career growth. At Sears Auto Center we truly are customer focused. This is why we look for individuals that not only have customer service knowledge and experience but those who enjoy helping others. We are seeking a success oriented customer service adviser who will work passionately towards assisting and educating customers on options available to provide customer assistance and deliver a positive automotive center experience. The customer service adviser is responsible for selling and servicing customers within the automotive center by maintaining knowledge of product and services.Job Duties Responsibilities Recommend vehicle repair and maintenance to customer and promote sale of products and services mutually beneficial to customer and dealership Build relationships with customers to promote repeat and referral service business Building Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty. Energetic responsiveness to every customer on the phone and in the store Solutions oriented selling Involvement in every aspect of the store operation. Continuously learns new technical information and techniques in formal training sessions in order to stay ahead of the rapidly changing automotive technology world.Required Skills 1-2 years of Retail Sales preferred Must have Valid Driver s LicensePreferred Skills Solutions oriented sales experience Retail experienceEducation Requirements HS Graduate or EquivalentLicense Certificate Required YesDriver s License Required YesAge Requirement 18 To apply to this position please use the following link s TGWEbHost jobdetails.aspx partnerid 455& siteid 185& areq 854859BR& codes ADPEEO EOEEqual Opportunity Employer Disability Vet.



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