New SNES Retro Classic Edition 400 Mini SFC Game Console

Sorry no offers or trades. The list of games are in the pictures.I m located Reading PA Area. I will only meet in the general area.I accept cash or PayPal I will also ship.Retro Classic Edition Mini SFC SNES Console With 400 Games Super FamicomThis is the upgraded version of the Retro Mini NES TV Game Console Built-in 620 Classic Games w 2 Handle ControlThis system has 400 games and has both NES and SNES games.Please note This is NOT made by Nintendo it is a generic brand.About this console 100% brand new and high-quality made.It has 400 games built in which cannot be deleted. This console doesn t take cartridges.It uses 5v charger for power and the available voltage is 110v-220v so all originally household power sources are supported.The best way to take you back to your childhood.



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