Virtual office

Build your Singapore business from anywhere around the world, while we manage your local presence starting from only SGD150 nett per year: ?Prestigious registered address in Singapore?s Central Business District which can be used on your business cards, letterheads or any other official document or for any official purposes. ?Get your own company mailbox, where we store or forward your mail ?Receive daily alerts by email of mail received or scanned copies of your mails Flexible add-on options are available based on your requirements: ?Directory Board Listing at our office main entrance ?Dedicated local landline number ?Mail handling & forwarding to local/ overseas address ?Use of open concept meeting room (for up to 8 persons), including access to pantry and secured WIFI during booking ?Printing and photocopying services ?Sending and receiving faxes both local & overseas ?Professional receptionists and call answering services ?Host discussions at our meeting & conference rooms and 24/ 7 clubhouse facilities Our Virtual Office packages are competitively priced, and are the ideal option for lean start-ups that require a professional presence in Singapore without having to rent a physical office space. Visit our website for more information! Call Intellioffices at + 65-65512788 or email us at [email protected] or send us an enquiry form.



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