Luxe Frameless Sliding Shower Door Fits W48"x H76".W60x

Rugular size customized size Front Door L 48 60 (1220 1524mm) H 60 76 (1676 1930mm) Customized ProductReturn Panel W 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 (762 1067mm) H 76 (1930mm)Glassglass certification glass thickness glass colorCE SGCC AUSTRALIA STANDARD KITEMARK 8mm(5 16 ) or 10mm(3 8 ) clear super clear frosted patternHardwareguide track rail bracket rollers handle bottom guide block hardware color304 stainless steel with aluminium alloy size 30 50mm 304 stainless steel with 50mm adjustment (2 ) 304 stainless steel size 40 60 304 stainless steel 304 stainless steel polished brushed



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