1976 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow

HOLY SCHNEIKEES BATTMANN A Rolls Royce Silver Shadow for the price of a Kia Really impress your friends and neighbors with this gorgeous luxury vehicle Imagine yourself pulling up to Red Lobster or TGI Friday in this gorgeous baby Be the envy of your neighborhood with this in your driveway Only 16 717 made The Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow is a luxury car that was produced in the United Kingdom in various forms from 1965 to 1980. It was the first Rolls-Royce to use unitary body and chassis construction in response to concerns that the company was falling behind in automotive innovation. You must see this in person to truly appreciate it Runs drives great Well maintained Always garaged Power everything Come quick or it ll be gone Other dealers say they want to approve your credit. We have GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL And we service what we sell Yup we have our own service department that s also open to the public with a lower labor rate than any dealership up and down the block Come see us and let us help you get into the car you need We don t thank you for yourBUSINESSWe thank you for yourTRUST



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