AKC Great Dane male puppy orange collar

GREAT DANE PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS We have a litter that was born on 10-31-17 so that means they will be ready for their new homes at Christmas time. Start your holiday season with a new family member. Puppies will start going to their new homes on 12-22-17. AKC Great Dane Black male puppy with white markings wearing a orange collar. He could be a big boy. Sire is 75% Euro 180lbs and Dame is 130lbs. Most of our past pups have hit the 180 pounds as well. Big love bugs they are. And of course all thinking they are lap dogs. )Dew Claws removed worming at 2 4 6 and 8 weeks of age. Vet visit at 6 weeks of age with age appropriate vaccinations Vet health certificate 12 month health guarantee puppy goodie bag with some food and AKC paperwork for limited registration.All of our Danes live in our home. Tthey are a part of our family and so are their puppies. All puppies come pre-spoiled and well socialized. Our 3 kids are VERY helpful with this part. lol. I give weekly updates and am always around so please feel free to contact me with any question or for more information.Please check out our website. I have a ton of photos on there of this litter past litters and the parents. Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you.www.greatdanesofburns.com



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