Who is Looking for a Sweet Rottweiler puppiesWho is Looking (

My son s pretty ones. They are approximately 12 to 13 Wks old. They look mixed with maybe Wiemar. Up to date on all shots. We got them for our boy cause he acted like he needed another dog. Even though they are very sweet and loving they want to be too dominant to our time and I don t want that for us because they so so young and don t want them to end up over taking our time. They are fixed potty trained and once again very loving. they are great for middle ages kids and a stay at home parent. No small because they are pups. If you don t have time for them they aren t for you. Will make sure they go to the right home. Rehoming fee for shots and basically make sure they can be taken care of. Thanks for reading for pics email me214xx 997xx 7852xx



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