234900 - This home has the absolute best views in Salida

MLS 234900 Post card perfect 360 degree views of mountain peaks Salida and the Arkansas River Valley. 2-story 2376 SF custom home on 38.36 treed acres. Four spacious bedrooms and 3 baths. The living area has a brick fireplace. Upper level kitchen and formal dining area with knock your socks off views seen through the artfully placed windows. This is the place where entertaining happens The kitchen opens onto the huge deck where you can see forever. Best views of Christmas Mountain There is an abundance of storage space in the house and in the attached 2 car garage. Lots of room to roam and explore on the 38 acres which can be subdivided. Property At A Glance 38.36 Acres 2376 Sq Ft 4 Bedrooms 3 Baths Heating Forced Air Fireplace Water Source Domestic Well Sewer Septic Flooring Carpet Tile Exterior Wood Garage 2 Car Attached 2015 Taxes 2010 Virtual Tour www.tourfactory.com idxr1209932



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