SALE will be on Saturday October 1st from 9am to 4pm. FREE ADMISSION TO PUBLIC. The Big Ol Barn Sale is E X P A N D I N G We need more vendors who sell antiques collectibles vintage retro primitives unique items old tools toys collectibles of any kind and world class vintage junk 10 X10 selling spaces are 35 each. Rental Tables available or bring your own. Y all Come to the Big Ol Barn Sale at the Midland Fairgrounds. (US10 at Airport & Eastman Roads) Over 100 vendors selling all sorts of collectible items and unique stuff. Check out our website for photos details and print out registration applications or CALL 989-600-4057 anytime. ALSO join us for the Hugh A. Smith Memorial CAR SHOW. Open to ALL Special Interest Vehicles. Only 10 per vehicle. Dash plaques goody bags door prizes owner judging trophies at 3pm. GOOD FOOD and Great Music from the Doo Wop DJ s all day. HELP US SUPPORT The Boy Scouts 2017 trip to National Jamboree.



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