2009 Honda Civic Hybrid

ONLINE AUCTION 7294-160 ending 01 04 2018 on GovDeals.ca where you can bid on and buy government surplus. 2009 Honda Civic Hybrid 4-DR 1.3L L4 SOHC 8V engine. Removed from service October 2017. Vehicle does start and run but must be towed floated off premises. Scratches dents dings and rust consistent with vehicle s age use. Corporate decals have been or will be removed impressions may remain. Vehicle pulls hard to the left. Recent major repairs in the last 12 months - IMA Battery replaced. Reason for being auctioned - scheduled for replacement. Vehicle was maintained as required. Summer tires on rims are included. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property prior to placing a bid appointment required. All items are sold As-Is Where-Is. The price shown here is the Current Minimum Bid and subject to change. Please see full vehicle & auction details here - bit.ly 2CTRaMf



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