Attractive 3bdr home for rent

Come see this open concept ranch in Milton School District today This 3 bedroom and 1 1 2 bath home features hardwood floors throughout and a kitchen with stainless appliances quartz counter tops and a tile backsplash.The master bedroom has a 1 2 bath attached.Downstairs you will find a finished rec room that is perfect for entertaining or you can enjoy summer nights on the deck in the back yard.FACTSHeating Forced AirType Single FamilyCooling CentralParking 2 spacesLot 0.52 acresAppliances included Dishwasher Microwave Range Oven RefrigeratorDEPOSIT REQUIRED 700HouseCats Okay Dogs Okay3 beds 2 baths1 872 sqftRent 900Street Name 3129 E Rotamer RdName John P SchneiderOwner s information john_schneider121(at)outlook.comPhone (509) 676-0190



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