Dispatcher-Local Same-Day On-Call Courier

Quicksilver Express Courier is a fast paced delivery company looking to hire a full time Dispatcher. This is not a call center position. If you are a leader and love to work in a fast-paced office then this is the position for you Reliability A MUST Job Requirements Strong knowledge of the Metro Area Must have excellent verbal skills Must be able to work a flexible schedule that includes occasional evenings weekends and holidays Strong organizational and multi-tasking skills Excellent attendance record Proficient PC skills - will use windows-based software Dispatch and transportation experience preferred Problem resolution skills Capable of working in a fast paced environment Must be able to pass a Federal and County Criminal Background Check. Positive attitude is a must. Please do not apply if you are not qualified for the position. Shift Monday-Friday - 9 30am-5 30pm or 10am-6 00pmTo Apply online - Click Here You can also apply in person at 203 Little Canada Rd E Little Canada MN 55117 Monday-Friday 8am-3 30pm.



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