CDL A Flatbed-5000.00 Bonus

0.46 to 0.52 per mile loaded and empty and home most weekends. 5 000.00 Bonus Safety Bonus. Mostly irregular routes hauling pipe steel steel coils aluminum and building materials. 2 300 to 3 000 miles per week. 1 100.00 to 1 400.00 per week. Late model Freightliners with mostly 10 speeds. LP Plan possible after 90 days. (Over 100 titles issued last year ) Comprehensive benefits after 30 days. Orientation included travel private lodging and all meals provided. Must be at least 23 years of age with Class A CDL and have at least 12 months OTR with 6 months Flatbed experience in the past 36 months. HIRING NOW



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