7 year old pure breed weimaraner

Daisy is a 7 year old pure breed weimaraner. My Ex kept the dog after I moved out and I learned he kept her outdoors (she was an indoor dog) at all times even when it snowed so I immediately took her back as that was unfair and dangerous for her health. I moved into an apartment and she is too big for it. She is great with children other dogs cats and even our rabbit. She loves to play fetch chew on rawhides play tug-o-war lay in your lap (a very oversided lap dog). I wish I could keep her because she is protective of my children and myself. She is a wonderful loyal dog only bad habit she has is she will get into the trash can and chew everything that had food in it so I have to keep it up high or covered so she can t get into it. I hate to get rid of her but it s unfair to have her in a small apartment.



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