General Laborers Needed - Immediate Openings

ACPI is looking for a General Laborers to add to our growing team of professionals. ACPI manufactures and distributes kitchen and bath cabinets throughout the United States under the Echelon Advanta Serenade and Smart brand names. We are an established reputable company with a large client base. We want to add dependable reliable people to our team. We have immediate openings for General Labor positions on 2nd shift (3 00 PM to 11 30 PM) and 3rd shift (11 00 PM to 7 30 AM). We are looking for hard working high energy individuals with a steady work history who are looking to make a difference. Starting rate is 12 hr. Qualified candidates must have a high school diploma GED and or equivalent experience be able to work in a fast paced wood manufacturing environment must be able to lift up to 50 pounds stand for long periods of time and ability to work in a team environment. Apply online OR in person at ACProducts Inc.12393 William Penn HighwayThompsontown PA 17094 In person applications will be accepted Monday Friday 9 00 AM to 4 30 PM ACProducts Inc. is proudly an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Thompsontown Mifflintown Mifflin McAlisterville Port Royal Juniata County Central Pennsylvania Union Laborers Cabinetry Cabinets Manufacturing



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