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Stop in to Cricket today and get the ZTE Overture 3 FREE when you port over 49.99 for All New and Current CustomersThe ZTE Overture 3 has a large scratch-resistant 5 display. Viewing images and video are a pleasure. Emails and messages are also easy to read. Rounded corners and a stylish design with soft-touch finish make the phone easy to grip and a pleasure to hold. A quad core processor and Cricket s 4G LTE network make web browsing and content downloading quick and easy. The Android operating system supports multitasking on a split screen for increased productivity. Capture beautiful horizontal and vertical panoramas with the 5MP rear camera and flash. The 2MP front camera is great for taking a quick selfie or video chatting with friends. HD Voice provides crystal clear conversations with reduced background noise. FM radio support is also included. Overall the ZTE Overture 3 is an attractive high value smartphone at a great price.The ZTE Overture 2 prepaid smartphone offers Large 5 display with scratch-resistant glass for added protectionPowerful quad-core processor and fast 4G LTE speedStylish design with rounded corners and soft-touch patterned back5 MP rear camera with flash 2 MP front cameraHD Voice capable for crystal clear conversationsUp to 16GB internal memory expandable to 32GB microSDAndroid Nougat (7.0)



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