Windows Doors and Siding Installer

Valdicass Inc is hiring .Year round work is available with proper experience.NOT LOOKING FOR SUB CONTRACTORS OR CREWS 2 positions left.Skills required Basic carpentryKnowledge & experience working with power toolsKnowledge & experience of door & window installationsMust be able to lift 50lbs and more including physical laborMust be able to walk a roof and varying slopesMust be able to climb ladders and scaffoldingMust be in good physical shape and condition to keep up with the physical requirements of the positionIdeal candidate for SIDING INSTALLER & CARPENTER MUST -Have a valid drivers license ID-Have reliable transportation-Have basic hand tools and tool belt-Have work experience (2-3yrs minimum installing siding and or carpentry-doors windows)-Framing trim interior -Provide a resume work history and or work references upon requestHourly rate is based on work history and experience. Looking for someone that is seeking permanent employment with the opportunity for advancement. I am looking for an installer that is capable of cutting hanging and brake work. Looking for a person that is responsible reliable hard working and in good shape to keep up with the physical requirements of working on and around scaffolds staging ladders roofs etc.Please forward a description of your work history and or resume along with your current employment status and hourly pay. Please include a phone and email for contact purposes.Required experience Windows & Doors 2 years minimumJob Type Full-time



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