Nvm freght movers

It gives up pleasure in informing you that we NVM Freight Movers (Rly. Clearing & Forwarding Service) are one of the leading Clearing Forwarding agents in Chennai Central and Egmore Stations. We are serving since 1979 to manufactures/ traders to their national destinations. We undertake all consignments / orders through railways? to door step service which includes pick-up as well as delivery at destination. We lift all parcels the same day contacted which are stored in the respective warehouse by our arrangement. Since we offer prime services at very moderate charges, we are sure that the same will be acceptable to you. We are just a call away. Should you feel interested in our services anytime, just let us know and our representative would be at your behest to discuss the details. For further details Contact BALA GOPALAN Mobile : 8056002524 or [email protected]



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