Wood Chips Shavings Sawdust 20 a Truck Load - list of 26 uses

------- Wood Chips Planer Shavings Sawdust -------- Custom Cut Lumbersee list below of 26 or so practical uses 20 a truck load. Call and we can work out more prices for wholesale allotments and other size individual orders.----- List of 26 or so practical uses for wood chips planer shavings and sawdust ------ 1 - In gardens and flower bed wood mulch helps protect keep the soil from losing moisture and heat. A thick layer in the paths or around plant helps retard weed growth. Decomposed wood when turned to compost provides plant nutrients and minerals. 2 - Erosion control ( restoration ecology construction sites )3 - Ground layment preventing mud - for use around the home spread on green house floor spread in an out door work yard area 4 - Landscape ground cover. Chips provide natural colors or color contrast in your landscape. They provide an alternative to bark nuggets.5 - Weed growth control. Thick layers of chips keep weeds down and generally make any weeds that do come through easier to remove.6 - Wood aggregate for paths walkways patios simple vehicle parking pads7 - Insulation8 - Sound barrier9 - Gun shooting range target backdrop ( a pile of chips can create a safety buffer rise that retains bullets )10 - Cedar retards moth and other insects from closest cloths books and other valuables11 - Play ground ( keeps the area clean hampers weed growth and provides a soft surface which prevents injuries )12 - Additive to landscape soil mixtures13 - Soil amendment14 - Pollution cleanup and natural filter material 15 - Pine chips serve for oil spill clean-up on cement floors16 - Biofuel (energy product biomass residue)17 - Fire starter kindling using the larger chips and wood shards 18 - Material for processioning into wood pellets pressed fire logs and the such like 19 - Chips processing building products - chipboard waferboard particleboard20 - Oak sawdust is used for mushroom cultivation21 - Animal bedding ( horse stall stable barn floor covering goat dog kennels chicken house floor covering litter22 - Agriculture usage ( dairy blueberry fields etc )23 - Horse arena footing 24 - Baled shavings - use in retaining walls25 - Wood chips for smoking meats26 - For use in campgrounds parks zoos animal petting parks outdoor recreationfacilities hunting camps etc There are more uses for wood fiber chips shavings and sawdust. Randall s cell (325) 428-669five (call text or leave a voice message)Mill office (936)858-280sevensales(at)customcutlumbermill .com (cut and paste to your email)(Email is the prefered mode of communication for straightforward inquiries)Para Espanol Francis 936-465-759nueve( llamar texto o dejar un mensaje de voz )Facebook - Custom Cut Lumber (Alto Texas) s www.facebook.com RoughSawnLumber fref tsLike us to stay connected and receive updates)www.CustomCutLumberMill.com



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