ALL FIXTURES MUST GO - FINAL DAYS - 50% all fixtures (Tempe)

STORE CLOSING ALL FIXTURES EQUIP and SUPPLIES MUST GO 50% OFF You Buy You Haul FINAL DAYS - LAST CHANCEDON T WAIT GOING FASTALL FIXTURES EQUIPMENT and OFFICE SUPPLIES for saleAll Items are first come first serveDO NOT WAIT THEY ARE NOW 50% OFF T-Stands4-waysH-racksOffice furniture and suppliesShelvingChrome fixturesTables - various sizes and stylesFlat Carts2 wheel dolliesLaddersJewelry casesHoliday decorationsTrash binsRubbermaid cartJewelry display piecesMannequinsShelvingHangersLockersTVso No reasonable offer refusedo Selling all remaining store fixtureso First come Best selectiono Bulk Buyers WelcomeLocations is 5000 S Arizona Mills Cir Tempe AZ 85282



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