Men s Right Hand Set Adams Idea Golf Clubs

A complete set of men s right hand set of Adams Idea golf clubs. Set consists of Driver 3 & 5 wood 4 & 5 hybrid 6 7 8 9 Iron PW SW and putter. Driver 3 & 5 wood 4 & 5 hybrid and putter all have covers. Also included is an extra putter Taylor Made Driver that is adjustable A Garmin golf GPS that operates on two AA batteries A metal stand which holds two golf bags and has shelves for shoes towels etc. Golf towels extendable golf ball retriever and practically a lifetime supply of golf balls and tees and a Walter Hagen 3 hybrid. The boxes in picture contain the golf balls and containers on shelf hold tees along with many in the golf bag. You have all that is needed to play golf for years to come. Call 706-490-0818. The price of 350.00 is firm. I have had the clubs for about 2 1 2 years. They are in excellent condition. All clubs in the set have the jumbo grips. a complete set of men s right hand



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