Transportation Support

TRANSPORTATION SUPPORT Scope The primary duty of the Transportation Support will be to support the Transportation Department reporting to the Transportation Manager of the Special Kids Special Families Adult Services facility. This is a temporary part-time non-exempt pay status position. Split shift 7 00am-10 00am 2 00pm - 5 00pm. Duties Transportation Support- Fuel and wash vehicles as needed Assist Transportation Manager with vehicle repair plan Assist with emergency responses Assist with staff vehicle inspection reports Assist with client transportation as needed Assist with staff training as needed Related work as requested Measures of Success Ability to work independently and as a team member. Ability to communicate information and respond to questions from managers employees Ability to solve problems and deal with a variety of issues Minimum Qualifications Prefer experience with vans and small bus transportation Prefer experience with adult developmentally disabled population Demonstrate good judgment and professionalism CPR First Aid & CPI & Universal Precautions Certification Must to be able to lift and transfer up to 50 lbs. A valid driver s license & current vehicle insurance and an acceptable driving record per SKSF standards



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