Future Top Sports stallion

Tinus - Norbert 444 Sport x Sape 381 Sport x Brandus 345 Sport Pref - Future Top Sports stallion With his long manes and beautiful eyes Tinus will catch your eye when you enter the stable. Tinus is an offspring of the Champion stallion Norbert 444 Sport x Sape 381 Sport x Brandus 345 Sport he comes out a famous breeding line and has a lot of Sport predicates in his studbook paper. Tinus is a beautiful stallion with strong movements he moves with a lot of power and space and this will make him suitable as dressage horse but because of his beautiful expression he could be very good for shows as well. Tinus is well ridden and comfortable to ride he loves to work without being to sensitive. He is not spooky and eager to learn. Because of his non spooky character he could be also suitable for a hack in the future. In the stable Tinus is a friendly stallion who is devoted to people he likes to go with his head out of his window and try to be in contact with everybody. Tinus is with his long manes good conformation and strong movements a quality dressage horse but with his nice character he could be suitable for several customers. He is ready to leave to somebody who will work with him If you are interested in my horse contact me via 8 1 7 6 1 2 0 3 9 5 cobekelly2 (at) gmail . com



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