Make your favorite restaurant dish

My name is Ron Douglas, and I have a confession. I LOVE taking my family out to eat! I m sure you do, too. And we re not alone! The average American family eats out 3 times per week or more. In 2010, the average American family spent about $2, 700 a year in restaurants! That s nearly HALF of their entire food budget! That comes out to hundreds of dollars spent on food each month at the bare minimum! Re-create your favorite restaurant s dishes on demand , in your very own kitchen whenever you felt like Make ALL your friends and family go wild over your cooking at the next party or gathering! (They might not ev believe you cooked these meals!) When I figured out just how much I was spending to treat my family these delicious dishes we loved, I just KNEW I had to start cooking more at home. After all, I love to cook! America s Restaurant Recipes 1 Just click in the box to the right and scroll to see the ACTUAL list of delicious dishes that are waiting for you inside. .



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