Sai Chandra Residency 1 BHK Flats For Sale At Narhe Ambegaon

Manik-Moti 2 & 3 BHK Lifestyle Apartments and Pent-House in the heart of one of the fastest growing areas of Pune Katraj .The serene surrounds of Manik-Moti away from the commotion and noise of the city yet in the city make way to a totally pollution free zone. Premier educational institutes Temples and Business hubs in the vicinity make it the most sought after location for the homeEASY TO MOVE PROJECT Katraj chowk Navale bridge 5 km far from Swargate Near to JSPM Institute City Pride Bharati Vidyapeeth Amenities -Power Backup Vastu Compliant Lift Available Club House 24 X 7 Securities Car Parking. Manik Moti Cost sheet - - Ready Possession 2BHK 3BHK & Pent House Area & Price -Area in Sq.Ft Total Value 1)1008 7199576 (2BHk).2)1126 7975072 (3BHK).3)1309 9177748 (3BHK).4)1429 9966388 (3BHK). - Ready Possession Pent House -Area in Sq.Ft Total Value 1)1705 117802601 (3BHK Pent House) . Site Address - Serve No A02 F-10 Manik Moti Complex Katraj Chowk Pune 411046. Office Address - Paras Land Marketing Office No.38 Lotus court Building Opp. Panchami Hotel Pune Satara Road Pune ContactContact No 7768830006



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