Php developer at charni road

we are looking for Php developer at charni roadThe PHP Developer is responsible for the creation and implementation of a wide variety of Web-based products using PHP JavaScript MySQL AJAX PHONE GAP HTML CSS JQUERY CORE PHP BOOTSTRAPOther responsibilities include Participating in a team-oriented environment to develop complex web-based applications-Maintaining existing code-base to include troubleshooting bugs and adding new features-Converting data from various formats (Excel ACCESS etc.) into developed databasesEXPERIENCE 1 yr or moreContact No -022-66154433 7738202214Salary Depending on Candidates profileWorking days-Mon-SatLocation- c.p tank charni road.Interested candidate can call us on 6615 44 33 7738202214 between 10.30-6.30 orcan mail us on hr(at)placementmumbai. comRegardspranali



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